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Schedule Your Appointment Today! Book Online

Giving You the Smile That You’ve Always Wanted

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General & Emergency Dentistry in Geneva, IL

With a comprehensive set of procedures and treatments Fairway Family Dental Care will make sure that your dental health is in top shape. Waiting to visit the dentist until you begin to feel unbearable pain is a sure way to pay for costly procedures that could have been avoided. At Fairway Family Dental Care, our compassionate dentist, Dr. Baumler, and our caring staff prioritize preventative care, educating you on how to care for your teeth to ensure a long lasting smile. From the moment that you walk in through our doors, our team strives to provide you with the best possible experience. For a free consultation, contact us at 630-402-0359.

A Proud Provider of Invisalign® Clear Aligners

Fairway Family Dental and Invisalign logos

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What Sets Us Apart

Qualities that set us apart from other dental offices include:

  • We boast a state of the art office with a modern touch
  • Most insurance policies are accepted
  • Our office is in a convenient location
  • We offer flexible hours to best fit your schedule
  • Same-day appointments for when you need care immediately
  • We offer free consultations

Ready to schedule your next dentist appointment with Dr. Baumler? Reach out to our office today by calling 630-402-0359 at your earliest convenience!

Your Comfort Is Our Number One Priority

Going to the dentist is often a fearful and scary experience. Many people feel apprehensive about visiting their dentist because of bad experiences when they were younger. Due to these fears, many people procrastinate scheduling regular dental check-ups with their dentist. At Fairway Family Dental Care, Dr. Baumler, and our staff of professionals understand these fears, which is why we make every possible accommodation to ensure your comfort. Our office believes in a mutual relationship where you are a part of your dental care, creating an environment where you are free to ask questions and take an active part in your treatment.

Call Us Today to Schedule Exceptional Dental Care


1441 Randall Road, Suite C
Geneva, IL 60134



Hours of Operation

Monday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Fairway Family Dental Care, Randall Road, Geneva, IL, USA

We Help You Afford the Care You Need and Deserve!

Fairway Family Dental Care accepts most major dental insurance plans, and will work with you to help you understand your benefits.

  • Ameritas
  • Assurant
  • Carington PPO
  • Cigna
  • Delta PPO
  • Dentemax
  • GEHA/Connection Dental
  • Guardian
  • Humana
  • Metlife
  • Principal
  • United Corcordia
  • United Healthcare

Elite Total Care Plan
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We Accept All Major Credit Cards

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